Lets Talk About Respect.

Yesterday after months of waiting, I was lucky enough to go see She Loves Me. Starring the incomparable Laura Benanti and Zachary Levi, I have been a fan of both for such a long time and have been waiting for the moment to see this show after rave reviews. The show was a complete delight and I couldn’t have been happier I got to see Laura in this role because she kills/slays/destroys her performance and is giving us a show to remember long after we leave the theater.

Everything was so incredible until, the moment came where Laura as Amalia has her most vulnerable moment of the show in my opinion when she sings “Will He Like Me?” a cellphone, went off ringing near the center orchestra. Now what I don’t understand, like at all is how people can’t leave the real world behind for two hours and enjoy whats being performed in front of them. These people work tirelessly, hours on end rehearsing and perfecting their craft and art. We should be able to and have the decency to give them the respect they so truly deserve and be in the present moment with them.

There were two more rings and at this point I was mortified and I really felt bad until in true fashion, Benanti who for a fact doesn’t take anyone’s shit of any kind stopped her performance and goes very calmly “Ill wait”. The orchestra stops, you could have heard a freakin’ pin drop BUT NO YOU HEARD ANOTHER RING. As soon as the person finally figured it out (like really shut the thing off) she picked up where she left off singing what was one of the best songs in the show in my opinion. She handled this with grace and professionalism, if it were me in her position I would have pulled a Lupone and shattered the phone to bits sorry not sorry.

This is SUUUUCH a pressing issue and problem in the theater community with the audience I wish I could say this was the first time I heard a phone go off while a show was going on. the real question here is W H Y  would you dish out hundreds of dollars to see a show and not just enjoy it. Shut your phone off, watch what you paid for and be respectful of these artists they have eyes they’re not blind they can SEE you believe it or not fidgeting with your phone, opening a bag of chips or whatever.

I applaud Laura wholeheartedly, she is an incredible performer and I am so lucky that I had gotten the chance to see this show before the run ends (July 10th get tickets #Shamelessplug), let this be a lesson (apparently it needs to be now and thats sad) SHUT IT OFF. Live without technology for two whole hours I know its probably scary but I promise you’re not missing anything you won’t see later on.

So thank you and I say brava to you Laura, you’re a true star.

To Sisters, To Life, To Fiddler.

It’s no secret that since its December 20th opening that the new revival of Fiddler on the Roof was (and still is) something special. Sure the same great lyrics and story is being told on stage but what really sets this particular revival apart from others in the past is its cast. Especially with the performances made by Tzeitel (Alexandra Silber), Hodel (Samantha Massell) and Chava (Melanie Moore). The three portray Tevye’s (Danny Burstein) oldest daughters but you would never know that these “sisters” aren’t actually sisters. That’s how strong their bond is on and off stage.

I took a trip to Anatevka in early January and let me tell you it was a trip I wish never ended. The acting, dancing and emotion put into each song, line and literally anything on that stage is incredible. When the orchestra began to play the beginning notes of “Matchmaker” I wasn’t prepared to have tears in my eyes (emotion and I, we don’t mix)  as these three women sang of what it truly meant to be terrified (AND I MEAN THEY FREAKIN’ SANG), after years of watching this musical I finally understood what this song meant (thanks girls). Silber, Massell and Moore have the talent, humor and grace beyond what one could compare. Besides THAT, their social media game is what we kids today  would call 100 (huge compliment for anyone over the age of 35). I am an avid follower of Samantha and Alexandra’s dressing room Instagram (@dressingroom51 hit them with a follow) which is outrageously funny and gives us a peak as to what life is like outside of Anatevka and a glimpse into their sister relationship.

Not only are these girls extremely talented but you can also just tell from the first scene to the last how much they love being on stage with each other, it makes the show and its story that much more real and sentimental to the audience. Run do not walk to this show at the Broadway Theater. I seriously look forward to visiting Anatevka again within the next week and seeing these sisters again on stage doing what they do best! In the mean time follow the sisters on their social media if you don’t already! (You should be though so..)

Samantha: Twitter and Instagram

Alexandra: Twitter and Instagram

Melanie: Twitter and Instagram

Also I’m also posting this to just say vote for them for the 2016 Broadway.com Audience Choice Awards. Honestly just do it. You have like 5,6 or 7 hours left (time is irrelevant)